Details about A/B tests for primary email campaign activities.

To help maximize contact open rates for a draft primary email campaign, use A/B subject line testing to determine the best subject line to use when sending the email campaign to contacts.

A/B Test Properties

The following request body properties are required to create or update an A/B test:

  • alternative_subject: The alternate email subject line to use for A/B testing. Currently, A/B tests support subject line only.

  • test_size: The percentage of contact recipients in the A/B Test. For example, if the integer value is 30, then 30% of contacts will receive the email campaign with subject line A, and 30% of contacts will receive the email campaign with subject line B. Valid values include 5 to 50 percent, inclusively.

  • winner_wait_duration: The number of hours Constant Contact waits after the A/B test is sent before determining the winning subject line. The winner is the subject line with the highest number of contact opens. After determining the winner, Constant Contact automatically sends the email campaign with the winning subject line to all the remaining contacts that did not participate in the A/B test.

The following shows example A/B test request and response schema:

    "alternative_subject": "Biggest Sale of the Year Coming Soon!",
    "test_size": 5,
    "winner_wait_duration": 6

A/B Test Endpoints

The following A/B test endpoints are currently available:

Send the A/B Test Email Campaign to Contacts

To schedule the A/B test email campaign activity to be sent to contacts, POST call to /emails/activities/{campaign_activity_id}/schedules endpoint. This method requires campaign send user privileges.