Reports overview for email campaigns and campaign activities.

Note: Email reporting methods are only for use with primary_email and resend role email campaign activities.

Email reporting endpoints allow you to track how contacts interact with your email campaign and to gather information and statistics used to determine how your email campaign is performing.

Email reporting endpoints return a summary of information and statistics at either the email campaign level (campaign_id) or at the email campaign activity level (campaign_activity_id).

All email reporting methods require the campaign_data authorization scope and the ui:campaign:metrics user privilege. For more information on requesting the campaign_data scope, see the Authorization Scopes Overview.

Tip: To gain insights about how a specific contact interacts with your email campaigns, use the contact reporting endpoints. For more information, see Contact Activity Reporting Overview.

Email Campaigns Summary Report

Make a GET call to the /reports/summary_reports/email_campaign_summaries endpoint to get a report listing unique contact tracking activity counts for up to 500 of your last email campaigns.

The response results include the total number of times that each contact uniquely interacted with an email campaign. For example, the following shows unique_counts for tracked activities associated with Newsletter campaigns:

     "bulk_email_campaign_summaries": [
             "campaign_id": "4399ce90-5b89-13e7-ba80-00163e498a99",
             "campaign_type": "Newsletter",
             "last_sent_date": "2020-09-17T06:18:39.000Z",
             "unique_counts": {
                 "sends": 15,
                 "opens": 6,
                 "clicks": 2,
                 "forwards": 1,
                 "optouts": 1,
                 "abuse": 0,
                 "bounces": 6,
                 "not_opened": 3
     "_links": {
             "next": {
                 "href": "/v3/reports/summary_reports/email_campaign_summaries?next=Y2FtcGFpZ25fdHlwZXM9MTQsMTUsMTIsNDMsMiwxLDI2LDIxLDE5LDE3LDMwLDExLDIzLDEwLDQ0LDE2LDIyLDE4LDI0LDI1LDIwLDU3JmxpbWl0PTEmbz0x"

Learn more about getting an email campaign summary report.

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Email Campaign and Campaign Activity Statistics Reports

Email Campaign Stats

For one or more specified email campaigns (campaign_ids), this report returns statistics including:

  • Total counts for each type of tracked email campaign statistics.
  • Percents for certain email campaign-level activities.

The following example shows the resulting statistics for a single email campaign_id:

    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "campaign_id": "b9bdddca-89e6-4f97-b3d7-f6c15a2de446",
            "stats": {
                "em_bounces": 6,
                "em_clicks": 2,
                "em_clicks_all": 2,
                "em_clicks_all_computer": 0,
                "em_clicks_all_mobile": 1,
                "em_clicks_all_tablet": 0,
                "em_clicks_all_other": 1,
                "em_clicks_all_none": 0,
                "em_forwards": 1,
                "em_not_opened": 3,
                "em_opens": 6,
                "em_opens_all": 6,
                "em_opens_all_computer": 0,
                "em_opens_all_mobile": 5,
                "em_opens_all_tablet": 0,
                "em_opens_all_other": 1,
                "em_opens_all_none": 0,
                "em_optouts": 1,
                "em_sends": 15
            "percents": {
                "bounce": 40.0,
                "click": 33.3,
                "desktop_click": 50.0,
                "desktop_open": 16.7,
                "did_not_open": 33.3,
                "mobile_click": 50.0,
                "mobile_open": 83.3,
                "open": 66.7,
                "unsubscribe": 11.1
            "last_refresh_time": "2021-05-21T13:48:58.084Z"

Learn more about getting an email campaign stats report.

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Email Campaign Activity Stats

Use to get stats for one or more email campaign activities.

The following example shows the resulting statistics for a single email campaign activity.

    "errors": [],
    "results": [
            "campaign_id": "cd0037ad-779a-4b3f-9161-43f062c6dd70",
            "campaign_activity_id": "c8cdf384-15ca-4dcc-9b6f-4c91121fdc23",
            "campaign_activity_type": 10,
            "stats": {
                "em_clicks": 2,
                "": 2,
                "em_clicks.all.none": 0,
                "em_bounces": 6,
                "em_clicks.all": 2,
                "": 1,
                "em_abuse": 0,
                "": 1,
                "em_bounces_blocked": 1,
                "em_bounces_other": 1,
                "em_opens": 6,
                "em_opens.all": 6,
                "": 0,
                "em_opens.all.other": 3,
                "em_not_opened": 3,
                "em_bounces_nonexistent_address": 1,
                "em_bounces_suspended": 0,
                "em_opens.all.none": 0,
                "em_clicks.all.tablet": 0,
                "em_sends": 15,
                "em_optouts": 1,
                "em_forwards": 1,
                "em_bounces_undeliverable": 1,
                "em_opens.all.tablet": 0,
                "em_bounces_mailbox_full": 1,
                "em_clicks.all.other": 1,
                "em_bounces_vacation": 1
            "last_refresh_time": "2020-09-25T16:11:36.000Z"

Learn more about getting an email campaign stats report.

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Email Campaign Activity Tracking Reports

For a specified email campaign activity, get a list of contacts that engaged with a specific type of tracking activity.

For example, make a GET call to{campaign_activity_id}/tracking/forwards to get a report listing each time a contact forwarded the specified email campaign activity from the forwarding link in the email footer. The following results show a single contact’s details for an em_forwards tracking activity:

   "tracking_activities": [
           "contact_id": "4399f5a0-5b89-11e7-ba80-00163e498a37",
           "campaign_activity_id": "c8cdf384-15ca-4dcc-9b6f-4c91121fdc23",
           "tracking_activity_type": "em_forwards",
           "email_address": "",
           "created_time": "2019-05-16T21:14:00.000Z"

The resulting data for the specified email campaign activity is sorted with the most recent tracking activity displaying first.

Tracking Activities Reporting Endpoints

Use the following GET methods to get a list of contact details for a specific type of tracking activity (tracking_activity_type).

GET an Email Sends Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing the contacts to which a specified email campaign activity was sent. Report data includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address, unique contact ID, and the date and time that you sent the email campaign activity.

Learn more about getting an email sends report.

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GET an Email Opens Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each time contacts opened the specified email campaign activity. This report includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, the date and time that they opened the email campaign activity, and the type of device they used to open it.

Learn more about getting an email opens report.

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GET an Email Unique Opens Report

GET /reports/email_reports/{campaign_activity_id}/tracking/unique_opens

Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing details about the last time each contact opened the specified email campaign activity. This report includes each contact’s information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, the date and time that they opened the email campaign activity, and the type of device they used to open it.

Learn more about getting an email unique opens report.

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GET an Email Did Not Opens Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each contact that was sent, but did not open an email campaign activity. This report includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, and the date and time that the email campaign activity was sent.

Learn more about getting an email did not opens report.

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GET an Email Forwards Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each time a contact forwarded the specified email campaign activity from the forwarding link in the email footer. This report includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, and the date and time that the email campaign activity was forwarded.

Learn more about getting an email forwards report.

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GET an Email Clicks Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each time contacts clicked one or more links for the specified email campaign activity. This report includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, the date and time that they clicked a link, the type of device they used to click the link, and the links unique id.

Learn more about getting an email clicks report.

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Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report on the links in an email campaign activity. This report includes the number of unique contacts that clicked each link and the type of action associated with clicking each link.

Learn more about getting an email links report.

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GET an Email Opt-outs Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each contact that clicked the unsubscribe link in the email campaign activity to opt-out from receiving emails sent from your Constant Contact account. This report includes contact information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, and the opt-out reason, date, and time.

Learn more about getting an email opt-outs report.

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GET an Email Bounces Report


Make a GET call to this endpoint to get a report listing each contact that did not receive the email campaign activity because it was rejected (bounced) by their email service provider. This report includes information, such as the contact’s email address and unique ID, and when and why the email activity bounced.

Learn more about getting an email bounces report.

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Email Campaign Reporting Terminology

The following terms and definitions apply to email reporting:

  • Email campaign: A broad email marketing effort that includes one or more email campaign activities and is uniquely identified using a campaign ID (campaign_id).

  • Email campaign activities: The types of email interactions that you have with contacts during an email campaign and each activity is uniquely identified by a campaign activity ID (campaign_activity_id). Each email campaign activity serves a purpose (role) in the email campaign. For example:
    • Primary email: The role of the primary campaign activity in a email marketing campaign is to engage your contacts with your email campaign by sending them an initial email; which creates the primary_email activity.
    • Resend: The role of the resend campaign activity is to get contacts that didn’t engage with the primary email to engage by resending the email to non-openers; which creates a resend activity.
  • Email campaign tracking activities: Tracks all contact engagement/non-engagement with your email campaign and is used to report on, analyze, and gain insights into a campaign’s performance. There are several different types of email campaign tracking activities (tracking_activity_type). For example:
    • sends (em_sends): Contacts to which an email campaign activity was sent.
    • opens (em_opens): Contacts that opened an email campaign activity.
    • forwards (forwards): Contacts that forwarded an email campaign activity to a different email address using the forwarding link in the email footer.