Get contact details for landing page tracking activities.

Landing page activity tracking endpoints allow you to get details about contacts that interacted with a sign-up or shoppable landing page in a specific way, such as contacts that open the landing page or contacts that click a link on the landing page. This information helps you to gain insights about contact engagement for a particular landing page campaign activity.

For example, to get details about all contacts that clicked a link on a landing page, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_clicks endpoint. Specify the campaign_activity_id to identify the landing page campaign activity to use. This response returns details for unique contact clicks (identified by contact_id).

The following provides an example response that includes the type of contact tracking details returned:

    "tracking_activities": [
            "contact_id": "dcac9eda-9735-11e9-9d5c-fa163e277e20",
            "campaign_activity_id": "62e09568-139e-4cbd-95ae-4d7cafc9b475",
            "tracking_activity_type": "p_contact_click",
            "email_address": "",
            "first_name": "Carrie",
            "last_name": "Miller",
            "device_type": "computer",
            "url_id": "3274642855454351379",
            "link_url": "",
            "created_time": "2022-06-25T21:53:00.000Z"

The results list contacts by most recent activity first. The same contact may appear more than once in the results, if they clicked more than one link on the landing page (uniquely identified use both contact_id and url_id).


The following parameters are optional for all landing page activity tracking endpoints:

  • contacts_filter - To filter which contacts details to return, specify the contacts full or partial first or last name, or email. For example: Josie or Jo.

  • limit - To limit the number of contact landing page tracking activities to return on each page. Valid values are 1 through 500 and the default value is 500.

Landing Page Activity Tracking Endpoints


Identifies the contacts that opened the landing page campaign activity.

  • To get unique contact open details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_opens endpoint. Try it!
  • To get all contact open details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_contact_opens endpoint. Try it!


Uniquely identifies contacts that click a link on the landing page. To get contact click details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_clicks endpoint. Try it!


Uniquely identifies contacts whose action creates updates on the account, such as adding the contact to a list. To get contact update details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_updates endpoint. Try it!


Uniquely identifies new contacts that add themselves to the account from the landing page. To get contact add details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_adds endpoint. Try it!

SMS Opt Ins

Uniquely identifies contacts that opt in to receiving SMS messaging from the landing page. To get contact add details, make a GET call to the reports/landing_pages/campaign_details/{campaign_activity_id}/p_unique_contact_sms_optins endpoint. Try it!