Get details for a resend to non-openers email campaign activity.

To get details for a completed or scheduled resend to non-openers email campaign activity, make a GET call to /emails/activities/{campaign_activity_id}/non_opener_resends.

The following example shows the details returned in the response payload:

        "delay_days": 3,
        "delay_minutes": 4320,
        "resend_subject": "Reminder: Big Sales Coming Soon",
        "resend_request_id": "422188",
        "resend_date": "2020-02-21T18:02:49.000Z",
        "resend_status": "DONE"

If you have not yet scheduled a resend or resent the specified campaign_activity_id to non-openers, an empty list is returned in the results.

Details returned in the response payload include:

  • delay_days - The number of days to wait before Constant Contact resends the primary email campaign activity. Valid values are 1 to 10. This property is mutually exclusive with delay_minutes in the request payload. However, the API will return both delay_days and delay_minutes in the response if the delay_minutes value equals an exact day value. One day is equal to 1,440 minutes.

  • delay_minutes - The number of minutes to wait before Constant Contact resends the email campaign activity. The range of valid values includes 720 (12 hours) to 14,400 minutes (10 days x 14,400). This property is mutually exclusive with delay_days. This value is only returned in the response payload if you choose to specify delay_minutes or if the delay_minutes you specify are equal to an exact day value.

  • resend_subject - The subject line used for the resend email campaign activity.

  • resend_request_id - The ID that identifies a resend to non-openers email such as 389093. If the primary email campaign activity has not been scheduled or sent, use DRAFT for the resend_request_id.

  • resend_date - The system generated date and time (in ISO-8601 format) that the email campaign activity was resent to non-openers (only included in the response results for sent resend activities).

  • resend_status - The ID that identifies a resend to non-openers email that is scheduled or sent, such as 389093. If the primary email campaign activity has not been scheduled or sent, use DRAFT for the resend_request_id.


This method requires the campaign_activity_id URL parameter of the email campaign activity for which you want to get details.

Example GET Resend to Non-opener Details Call

The following GET call returns resend to non-opener details for a single email campaign activity.


User privileges: campaign:read

Authorization scopes: campaign_data

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => '',
    "delay_days": 3,
    "resend_subject": "Reminder: Big Sales Coming Soon!"

    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

curl -X GET \
 curl --location --request GET '' \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}' \
 --data-raw '[
     "delay_days": 3,
     "resend_subject": "Reminder: Big Sales Coming Soon!"

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("GET", null)
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
  .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer {access_token}")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


        "delay_days": 3,
        "delay_minutes": 4320,
        "resend_subject": "Reminder: Big Sales Coming Soon",
        "resend_request_id": "422188",
        "resend_date": "2020-02-21T18:02:49.000Z",
        "resend_status": "DONE"

Try it!